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About Keep Sea Blue

Big problems require Big solutions

The leakage of plastics in the marine environment harms ocean life with potentially negative impacts on human health.
At Keep Sea Blue we take a proactive approach to dealing with the issue of marine plastic pollution by focusing our efforts on preventing plastic from entering the sea in the first place.

Why? Because once plastic enters the water, it may be already too late


It is very difficult to almost impossible

to recover plastic from the sea at a scale large enough to make a meaningful difference. That is especially true, when plastic sits down on the sea bottom or breaks down into pieces, after staying in the water for a long-time.


Although plastic does not biodegrade easily

it does degrade in the marine environment due to the effects of UV-light, oxygen, water, and other factors making it unsuitable for recycling.

Plastic Pollution: A Global Crisis

During the last few decades, the build-up of plastic in the oceans has evolved into a global crisis.

We produce


tonnes of plastic
waste annually



tonnes end up in the oceans
(80% of all marine litter)



of marine plastic comes
from land-based sources

It takes up to


for plastic waste
to decompose

The Mediterranean Sea

is regarded as the most affected environment in the world in terms of plastic pollution, because of its high population densities along the coasts and the rivers flowing into the sea, and its geomorphology as a semi-enclosed basin.

It is estimated that:

Plastic pollution affects biodiversity and harms marine wildlife with potentially negative impacts on human health.
Unless drastic action is taken, annual plastic leakage in the Mediterranean Sea may double by 2040.
It is also estimated that if plastic waste is not effectively managed, by 2050, the sea will contain more plastic than fish.
This is not the future we want for our planet, the ocean, ourselves, future generations.
Drastically changing our habits, behaviours, and practices is essential for turning the tide on plastic before the damage becomes irreparable.
We envision a future where plastic never enters the Mediterranean Sea - rather it gets
  • Recovered Recycled Reused